Month 2020

Enjoy our monthly Newsletter

Message from the Pastor

Rev. Dr. Chris Dorn

put body of text here


Monthly Accounting

We’re here to help

Making Worship Happen


Communion Servers: Communion Preparation:


Liturgist: Children’s Message:   Ushers/Greeters:


Children’s Message: Ushers/Greeters:


Children’s message:


text here

In Other News

Cap Collection for Carter

FYI. I wanted to provide an update on our plastic bottle cap collection for our friend Carter from Saranac. He has been saving the caps to re- cycle in order to make a bench. Each one takes 250 pounds to make. He has collected almost enough to complete one bench and is excited for our help with this school project. His mother, Amy told me he is having a great time doing this and wishes to continue in hopes of collecting enough to make another bench. KEEP SAVING YOUR CAPS. 

Ladies’ study group

The Ladies’ Bible/Book study resumed Thursday, January 23rd at 7:00 P.M. lat the home of Carol and Lew Campbell, 151 Foxtail Drive. We will be using the book “what’s the Least I Can Believe and Still be a Christian?” (A Guide to What Matters Most) by Martin Thielen, a Methodist pastor. Please sign up on the sheet in the fellowship area with your contact information so books can be ordered. All women are invited to join this study and fellowship time whether or not you have been part of the group previously. Questions? Contact Carol Campbell, 419-937-5754.

Per Capita

With the beginning of a new year, it is time to once again pay our per capita to the Presbytery of Lake Michigan. For 2020, the per capita for each active member is $35.20 (General Assembly $8.95, Synod of the Covenant $3.25, Presbytery of Lake Michigan $23). Along with each church’s shared mission pledge, the per capita finances the General Assembly, the Synod of the Covenant and our Lake Michigan Presbytery. For 2020, our total is $2,428.80. This is based on 69 active member as of 12/31/18 and is due January 20, 2020. As in the past, the Budget and Finance Committee is always very appreciative of members paying their own per capita. If you are able to pay your own per capita, please indicate your $35.20 is for your per capita. Thank you very much.

Thank You

A special thank you to Sue Harkness Edlin for gifting to our church tow Bellemain insulated stainless steel carafes to use for coffee fellowship. They are greatly appreciated. Thank you so much Sue.

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